12.04.16 - Small Group Discussion

Christmas Lights - Light Incarnate

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What is your favorite type of Christmas light (plain white, blinking, bubble lights, etc)?

  • What are your Christmas traditions?
  • Were you ever scared of the dark? Why or why not?

Read: John 1:1-9, Psalm 119:105, and Isaiah 9:1-2.

  • Why do you celebrate Christmas?
  • What is the purpose(s) of light? How do those purposes fit for Jesus being the Light of the world?
  • How is God’s word a lamp?
  • What is the longest you’ve gone without power?
  • How do you imagine the Jews were feeling when the Light came into the world after God had been silent for 400 years?
  • How can you be like John and testify about the Light during the Christmas season to show others Christ?

Prayer: Pray that you will not only follow the Light, but that you will also show the Light to others this Christmas season.

11.27.16 Small Group Discussion

Peace In the Storm - Thanks-living

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What are your Thanksgiving traditions?
  • What does gratitude mean to you?
  • Do you pray before a meal? Why or why not?

Read: Daniel 6:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, and Philippians 4:6-7.

  • A law was just passed prohibiting Daniel from praying to God, but he continued to do so anyway. How do you respond when laws are passed that limit how we can show our faith?
  • Do you have a regular prayer routine? How well do you do at remembering to pray in all circumstances?
  • What are some of the things you can thank God for?
  • Have you had a situation where you feel like the peace of God has protected you? If so, please share.

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

  • How can focusing on the eternal change our perspective?
  • What makes it hard to be thankful when things aren’t going well?
  • How have you been doing with writing what you’re thankful for on the post-it notes?

Prayer: Pray that we always remember how much we have to be thankful for and that we live accordingly.

11.20.16 - Small Group Discussion

Peace in the Storm - Here's how to help

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • When was the last time you asked someone how they were doing but didn’t have time for an honest answer?
  • When was the last time you genuinely asked someone how they were doing and took the time to listen to their answer?

Read: 2 Timothy 4:9-18.

  • What is Paul asking of Timothy in this passage?
  • In verse 13, Paul asks for his cloak and scrolls. When you’re feeling sick, what are your go to items that you find comfort in?
  • Paul says that no one except God was with him during his first defense. Have you ever felt abandoned by everyone around you? How did you handle the situation?
  • Paul says not to hold it against people for not being there for him. How can we have that kind of attitude during the times when we don’t have anyone supporting us?
  • Why don’t we come alongside people when they’re hurting, especially when they’re struggling with mental illness?
  • How can you be present for people struggling with mental illness?

Prayer: Pray for the right attitude to come alongside others who are hurting and help.

11.13.16 Small Group Discussion

Peace In The Storm - Where is God When You Are Hurting?

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Share a time when your perspective changed on a situation. How did your change in perspective alter the situation for you?

Read: Psalm 77:1-14.

  • Have you ever asked the questions that the psalmist asks? If you feel comfortable, please share the situation.
  • Do you think it angers God when we ask these questions? Why or why not?
  • The psalmist, with no answer from God, finds comfort thinking on what God has done. When you are struggling with feeling abandoned by God, what past moments can you lean on to help?
  • How can you help others find moments in their lives to lean on?
  • Does looking at those past times when God showed up make everything better in the present? Why or why not?

Read: 2 Kings 6:13-17.

  • When Elisha’s servant has his eyes opened, he sees the truth. Reality didn’t change, just his perception. Why does perception matter?
  • Why is it sometimes hard to see God’s presence when we are in the midst of a storm?
  • Jesus provides the example that when we are hurting and pray for God to remove the situation, it doesn’t always get better in our lifetime. How do we handle the reality that things don’t always get better in this life?

Prayer: Pray that you will remember that God is present even when we don’t feel his presence.

11.06.16 Small Group Discussion

Peace In the Storm - You Are Not Alone

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What makes you feel better when you’re sick (soup, a good book, etc)?
  • What is your “go to” for helping others when they are sick? Why?
  • What does “mental illness” mean to you?

Read: 1 Kings 19:1-6, Ecclesiastes 1:1-2.

  • What were the different factors that Elijah was dealing with in this passage?
  • When Elijah cries out, God immediately sends an angel. Is this always how God responds when we cry out?
  • What do we do when we see no evidence of God stepping in when we cry out?
  • How do you respond to the statement that everything is meaningless?
  • Why do you think the Church responds so much better to physical ailments than to mental illness?
  • How can the Church help with mental illness?
  • How can you help deal with mental illness, whether for yourself or others?
  • If you have the time today or this week, read through Psalms 22 and 42 and Job 3. How does the fact that these great men of our faith struggled with depression impact your views on mental illness? Have you ever felt the way they did? What helped or did not help?

Prayer: Pray that you will stay committed to doing finances God’s way.

10.23.16 Small Group Discussion

ABCs of Financial Freedom - Decision

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What is a decision you made that turned out to be much bigger than you expected? What is a decision you made that turned out to be a much smaller thing than expected?
  • Why do our decisions matter?

Read: Proverbs 16:1-9.

  • Verse 2 says all a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Why do our ways sometimes seem pure to us when they aren’t?
  • How can we commit whatever we do to the Lord, as is laid out in verse 3?
  • Why can it be hard to trust that God works out everything in its proper time?
  • How can verse 7 help in making the decision to do things God’s way?
  • In what ways does verse 8 assist us in how we decide to use our money?
  • What decision are you making as a response to the ABCs study?
  • How can you encourage others to make a proper decision with your money?

Prayer: Pray that you will stay committed to doing finances God’s way.

10.16.16 Small Group Discussion

ABCs of Financial Freedom - Choice

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Are you more of a “leave it to chance” type of person, or “let’s make a plan” type of person? Why?

  • Do you have a budget? Why or why not?

Read: Proverbs 3:1-10.

  • Why would keeping God’s commands prolong your life and bring peace and prosperity?
  • How can we use our money to show love and faithfulness?
  • Why is it hard to trust God with our money, instead of relying on our own plans for our money?
  • How can we honor God with our wealth?
  • Do you tithe (give 10%) to God? Why or why not?
  • What are the benefits of tithing?
  • What is difficult or scary about tithing?
  • If you already tithe, how can you encourage others to start? If you don’t tithe, what will get you to start?

Prayer: Pray that you what you do with your money, you do on purpose.

10.09.16 Small Group Discussion

ABCs of Financial Freedom - Bondage

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Have you ever owed a friend a favor? How did it go when the friend cashed in the favor?
  • What do you consider good/ok debt? What do you consider bad debt? Why?

Read: Deuteronomy 28:12-14 and Matthew 6:24.

  • In Deuteronomy, God presents a picture of what would happen if the nation of Israel stays committed to God. What do you think the Church could do differently if it was not in debt, if we were able to lend instead of borrow?
  • Is going into debt the same as loving, or serving, money? Why or why not?
  • When you have a debt to someone, who owns you? Are you in control, or does the one you are indebted to control you?
  • Can debt impact your ability to serve Christ? Why or why not?
  • Do these verses present debt as a sinful thing? Why or why not?
  • Look at your budget. What would you do differently if there wasn’t any debt factored in? No credit card payments, no car payments, no house payments?
  • Do you feel like you can become debt free? Why or why not?
  • What step will you take this week to move towards being debt free?

Prayer: Pray that you will be purposeful in addressing your debt.

10.02.16 Small Group Discussion

ABCs of Financial Freedom - Attitude

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What is something you have made or created that you are proud of?
  • How would you feel if someone else took the credit for what you made?

Read: 1 Chronicles 29:10-13.

  • Who is ruler above all things? Who does all of heaven and earth belong to?
  • Who do we often act like it belongs to? How do your actions show who you believe is the owner?

Read: 1 Chronicles 29:14-17.

  • What is the picture that is painted regarding everything we have in these verses?
  • Which is worse for you, to break something that belongs to someone else or something of your own? Why?
  • If God has given us everything we have, how does that impact your attitude about what you have compared to looking at what you have as coming from you?
  • What is the easiest thing for you to view as being God’s? Why?
  • What is the hardest thing for you to view as being God’s? Why?
  • How will you be generous with what you have this week?

Prayer: Pray that we always remember everything we have is a gift from God to use properly to honor him.

09.25.16 Small Group Discussion

Jonah - Arranging

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • When people ask for your race or nationality, what’s your answer?
  • Have you ever been angry at someone for getting something good you didn’t think they deserved? How did you handle it?
  • Have you ever gotten something good that you did not deserve?

Read: Jonah 3:10-4:11.

  • Why didn’t Jonah want to go to Nineveh?
  • What is Jonah’s response to the people of Nineveh repenting?
  • How often do you pray for the other candidate and their supporters?
  • How often do you pray for ISIS? If you’re being honest, would you want them to be forgiven, or would you prefer to see them wiped out?
  • Jonah had more concern about the plant that died than for the people of Nineveh. How are we like Jonah in the things in our lives that we do and do not have concern for?
  • God draws a comparison between Jonah’s concern for the plant that he had no role in making or sustaining and the concern that God has for His children in Nineveh. Do you view others as God’s children, or do you have more of an “us and them” mentality?
  • What does family mean to you? Do you tend to do more for family than non-family? Why or why not?
  • Whether American, Syrian, Haitian, or any other nationality, we are all children of God, we are all humans, we are all family. How does this thinking change how you view one another? How does it change how you think about the other candidate? How does it impact your thinking of ISIS? About refugees?

Prayer: Pray that we will see everyone as children made by God, who are loved by Him.

09.18.16 Small Group Discussion

Jonah - Obedience

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Have you ever dragged your feet to obey, whether they be from a boss, a teacher, or God?

Read: Jonah 3.

  • What do you imagine Jonah’s attitude was as he finally listened to God and headed off to Nineveh?
  • When you finally obey after previously refusing and being stubborn, how do you typically feel after you obey?
  • Does the Ninevites’ reaction to Jonah’s message seem extreme to you? Why or why not?
  • What stands out to you as the most interesting part of the Ninevites’ answer to Jonah’s message?
  • What do you think would have happened if Jonah hadn’t obeyed?
  • What are some of the potential results if we do not obey God’s commands for us?
  • Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh, but when he did, the whole city was saved. We have a great opportunity to invite people and open a discussion with them with Friend Day coming up. Who has God put in your life that you can either invite or start a conversation with?

Prayer: Pray that we will obey God’s instruction, no matter what it calls us to do.

09.11.16 Small Group Discussion

Jonah - Remember

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Based on last week’s discussion about spiritual maturity, how did you do this past week being spiritually mature? What was easy for you to act on and what things caused you to drag your feet?

  • Have you ever been to the ocean, or perhaps scuba diving, or at the lake when the waves are particularly strong? How did it make you feel to be surrounded by the water?

Read: Jonah 1:17-2:10.

  • What can we learn from God’s methods of saving from how He saves Jonah?

  • Jonah was in the depths of the ocean and still believed God could save him. Do we honestly believe, and live, in a way that shows we believe God can save us no matter our situation? Why or why not?

  • Not only should we ask ourselves if we believe God can save us no matter how deep we are, we should also believe and live in a way that reflects that truth for others. No one is too far gone. When you think about the various people in your life and interact with them, do you see them as lost in the ocean of sin but still able to be saved? Why or why not?

  • What consequence(s) did Jonah still experience from his previous actions, even though he repented and God saved him? How can we learn from Jonah in this regard for our own lives?

Prayer: Pray that we always remember that God can always save us.

09.04.16 Small Group Discussion

Jonah - Running

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?

As we start this study of Jonah, take a few moments as a small group and read all of Jonah together to get a picture of the whole story, and then we’ll dive into more specifics.

  • As a child, what was a job or chore that you really hated and never wanted to do? What did you hate about it? What did it take for you to do what was asked of you?

Read: Jonah 1:1-3.

  • What is your beginning impression of Jonah?
  • Have you ever run from God or from something He has told you to do? What impact did that have on you? What, if anything, got you to eventually follow what He was telling you to do?

Read: Jonah 1:4-10.

  • During the great storm, Jonah is sleeping and ignoring God while the pagans reach out to their false gods. Do you feel like there are times that we as Christians have less faith, or are less committed, than people who follow a different religion? Why do you think this is?

Read: Jonah 1:11-16.

  • What do you think was the reasoning behind Jonah telling the sailors to throw him overboard?
  • God ends up impacting the sailors, though Jonah was never supposed to be around them. God used Jonah to make a difference, even though Jonah wasn’t in the original location God told him to go to. What does this say about God’s ability to use us?

Prayer: Pray that we are open to what God wants and are willing to see it through.

08.28.16 Small Group Discussion

Colossians -- New skin

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Share two memories: One of a time that you were chosen for something (perhaps by your spouse or a task at work) and a time that you were not chosen (perhaps elementary kickball or a school play).

Read: Colossians 3:12-17.

  • What does it mean to you to be chosen by God?
  • Do you think it’s possible for us to attain holiness? Why or why not?
  • Define the things we are called to clothe ourselves in (Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, and Patience). What do you think you do well? What do others say you do well?
  • Which do you struggle with the most?
  • Why do you think Paul lists love as the most important piece?
  • How does verse 17 impact our daily living?
  • How much contrast is there between the worldly clothes and the clothes of a Christ-follower?
  • How much of a difference is there between your old worldly clothes and your clothes as a Christ-follower?

Read: Colossians 3:18-4:1.

  • What is Paul telling wives to do?
  • What is Paul telling husbands to do?
  • Is Paul being demeaning to wives? Why or why not?
  • Children are to obey their parents in everything. Do you think there is a limitation to that instruction? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think Paul lays out instructions for fathers, but not mothers?
  • Do you think these verses lay out a hierarchy or structure to how a family works? Why or why not?
  • If it does provide a structure, do you agree with it? Why or why not? If it does not provide a structure, what do you think a family’s structure should be?
  • Even though we don’t have masters and slaves in America, what can we draw from 3:22-4:1 and apply to our current situations?
  • How much of a parallel is there between 4:1 and the previous relationships listed?

Prayer: Pray that we will keep ourselves clothed in Christ-like attributes and that our relationships will reflect Christ.

08.21.16 Small Group Discussion

Colossians - What Not to Wear

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What are some of the things on which you base your identity?
  • Think back to when you became a Christian. Was choosing to follow Jesus a radical change for you, or was it something that was the next logical step in your faith journey?

Read: Colossians 3:1-4

  • Last week Frank challenged us to "think eternally." When Paul tells us to "set your sights on the realities of heaven," how do you think we do that, practically speaking? 
  • The ancient Greeks spoke about someone who was buried as being hidden in the earth. Paul says that a Christian's "real life is hidden in God with Christ." What do you think he means? 

Read: Colossians 3:5-11

  • Paul's list of sinful, earthly things is extensive! Why do you think Christians tend to "rank" sinful behavior, disdaining some sins and ignoring others?
  • Why do you think that, when you have "stripped off your old sinful nature and wall its wicked deeds," do you sometimes struggle with picking those old sinful habits back up?
  • There is a difference between knowing God, and knowing about God. Paul writes that we are renewed as we learn to know our creator and become like him. What is something you can do this week to better know God?

Prayer: Pray that God will give you a greater desire to know him and to relentlessly pursue your relationship with him.

08.14.16 Small Group Discussion

Colossians - Cancel the Funeral

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What were you like as a teenager (rebellious, reserved, straight as an arrow)?
  • Were your parents strict or permissive? When, if ever, did they start giving you freedom? What did that freedom mean to you?

Read: Colossians 2:11-15.

  • What does our spiritual circumcision mean?
  • How is this spiritual circumcision different from Jewish circumcision?
  • What is the significance of the relationship between the Cross and the Law detailed in verses 13-15?

Read: Colossians 2:16-23.

  • What type of freedom does Christ’s circumcision provide us?
  • What are the Christians warned against and told to look out for with false teachers?
  • Chapters 1 and 2 establish Christ’s position in existence. How does this passage remind us of this?
  • How does Paul challenge the legalism that has infected the church?
  • Do you feel like legalism is still a problem? Why or why not? How can this be addressed, if so?
  • What are the failings of human commands and teachings?
  • In applying these passages, how should we change our living? Have you been living just rules? How do we bring about the freedom that Paul is talking about?
  • This week, how can you best exercise the freedom you have in Christ?

    Prayer: Pray that we live out our freedom and don’t get bogged down in rules.

08.07.16 Small Group Discussion

Colossians - God with a Capital G

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Have you ever been told you resemble someone else (family member, celebrity, etc.)? How did that make you feel?

Read: Colossians 1:1-14.

  • What is the picture you get of the Christ-followers in Colossae?
  • Verses 9 and 10 express Paul’s prayers for the people to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will for the purpose of living lives worthy of God and pleasing Him. Is the idea of living a life worthy of God daunting to you? Why or why not?

Read: Colossians 1:15-23.

  • These verses establish in no uncertain terms that Jesus is God. Is that a concept that you struggle with currently or did previously? What makes the concept difficult or what helped you accept it?
  • Everything, including thrones and authorities, were created through Jesus. How does this impact how you interact with the various facets of life?

Read: Colossians 1:24-2:10

  • Paul speaks of rejoicing in the suffering he endures for the sake of the Church. What are you currently suffering through that you can rejoice in for the sake of your fellow Christians?
  • Throughout these passages that we have read, Paul praises the Colossians and is very happy for their level of faith, but he still prays for them earnestly. How does this impact who we prayer for or when we pray for people?
  • Christ is the fullness of God, and we have fullness in Christ. What are some of the others things that we try to find fullness in? Where is true fullness found?
  • Jesus is the head over every power and authority, which includes our power and authority. How do you do at recognizing Jesus as the head, as opposed to wanting to place yourself at the head of your life and following your own authority?

Prayer: Pray that we will live worthy lives, recognizing Jesus as the head of all things. Pray for your brothers and sisters who are struggling. Pray for your brothers and sisters who are going strong so that they can continue to do so.

Soul Revolution Small Group Resources

The writers of Soul Revolution have provided small group materials for our current series.  We've copied their recommendations and schedule below for you.  If you have any questions, please connect with us and we will do what we can to help.


Benefits of studying Soul Revolution as a group:

  • Imagine the members of your Small Group or Sunday School class, not just showing up to meetings, but connecting with each other in meaningful, authentic ways about their own personal spiritual growth.
  • Imagine group members having an impact far beyond your group meetings – into the lives of those they regularly do life with and others in your city.
  • Imagine your group members learning what it looks like to live day-to-day fully available to God.

Tools for studying Soul Revolution as a group:

Soul Revolution Group Curriculum:

  • Leaders Guide (the group facilitator needs one copy of this)
  • Guide for Running Partners in Small Groups (each member of your group will need a copy of this for when they meet in Running Partners – see schedule below)
  • In addition, each member of your group will need a copy of Soul Revolution.
  • The curriculum is based around meeting as a large group, then meeting as smaller “Running Groups” on alternating weeks. The schedule would be:
    • Intro (Week 0):
      • Meet as a group
      • Read introduction together in the meeting
    • Week 1:
      • Meet as Running Partners
      • Read chapters 1-3 prior to meeting
    • Week 2:
      • Meet as a group
      • Read chapters 4-5 prior to meeting
    • Week 3:
      • Meet as Running Partners
      • Read chapters 6-7 prior to meeting
    • Week 4:
      • Meet as a group
      • Read chapters 8-9 prior to meeting
    • Week 5:
      • Meet as Running Partners
      • Read chapters 10-11 prior to meeting
    • Week 6:
      • Meet as a group
      • Read chapters 12-13 prior to meeting
    • Week 7:
      • Meet as Running Partners
      • Read chapters 14-15 prior to meeting
    • Week 8:
      • Meet as a group
      • Read chapters 16-18 prior to meeting

5.29 Small Group Discussion

Regrets - No Going Back

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Which of the four parts of this series (Looking Back, Letting Go, Launching Out, and No Going Back) has been the most impactful for you? Why?
  • What is something that you consider to be a great waste of time?

    Read: Titus 3:9-11 and Philippians 3:12-16.
  • What are some of the useless arguments that we allow ourselves to get bogged down in that Paul warns against?
  • Paul warns to stop dealing with divisive people after two warnings. How well do you do at following this idea? If you struggle with it, what makes it hard to follow? If you handle it well, what suggestions would you give?
  • Paul himself, an Apostle, states in Philippians that he has not obtained perfection, but that he is determined to continue striving. How does that impact your ability to forgive yourself of your mistakes?
  • There is not enough time to get sidetracked and too much at stake to get stuck in the past. Why do we still get stuck looking back when the stakes are so high?
  • What can we do that makes a truly lasting impact during our lifetime?
  • How can we help others, as well as ourselves, take steps to never go back to our previous regrets?

Pray that we will allow God to keep our regrets redeemed and not get lost looking in the rearview mirror. Pray that we will not get caught up in squabbles, but instead focus on the redemption that God has given and offers to everyone.

05.22 Small Group Discussion

Regrets - Launching Out

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Have you ever made something and then got frustrated when it didn’t function or behave the way you intended?

Read: Titus 3:8 and Ephesians 2:8-10.

  • Why should we do good?
  • What keeps us from doing good?
  • There is a saying, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • Does the fact that God has prepared works for us to do encourage you in doing good, or does it make it more daunting when trying to figure out what to do? Why?
  • Does doing good always look nice/friendly? Why or why not?
  • In what ways are you already doing good?
  • What are some of the ways the Church can improve in doing good?
  • How will you do good this week?

Prayer: Pray that we will be brave in doing good.