Church Online Host


We are delighted that you are considering joining our Church Online team as a host. We believe that God can uniquely use technology and this online streaming platform to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. Our hope and prayer is for this platform to help many people make the leap from worshipping together online to stepping foot into the local church as an engaged and active member.

What is Church Online

In addition to meeting in physical church locations, South Lansing Christian Church also meets globally online (yup...we have people worshipping with us from around the world.) We stream our services via our website/church online platform and on our Facebook page.

Role Responsibilities

Here’s what your primary responsibilities are as you serve on a Sunday morning as a church online host:

1. Welcome:

  • First, greet everyone by introducing yourself and saying “good morning!”

  • Then, welcome new guests into the chat area if he or she comments when they join (Hi everyone!, Good morning!) We recommend using @tagging (like on social media) to welcome each guest by name. NOTE: DO NOT call out or @tag someone who joins as some people find this too “exposing” and will drop off the feed.

  • Feel free to use emojis and exclamation marks to make your greeting more friendly and engaging.

  • We recommend when you welcome a new guest, to ask a follow up question to get to know them and get to know them. (EXAMPLE: Hi @johndoe, welcome to Crossroads! We’re so happy you’re worshipping with us today. How has your day been so far?)

2. Discuss:

  • Next, spark discussion in the chat area.

  • You can do this by...
    o Asking icebreaker questions
    o Recapping key points from the message that stand out to you personally
    o Posting questions that help facilitate conversations.

  • questions – questions that begin with who, what, when, where, why,
    or how – are always great conversation starters.

  • EXAMPLE: I love what Pastor Jeff just said about reading the Bible. I struggle with consistent time in God’s Word at times. What are ways you have found to prioritize or enrich your time in the Bible?

3. Pray:

  • Finally, offer prayer to guests in the chat area.

  • You can pray with people right in the chat area, or encourage them to click the Live Prayer button if they’d rather talk and pray with a serving team member privately.

  • EXAMPLE: Hi @johndoe, I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your grandfather this past week. Could we pray together here for you and your family? Let’s pray: God, we lift up John and pray that you would be with him and his entire family this week. We ask that you would bring them your perfect peace and comfort, and that you would surround them with people who can encourage them in this season. Thank you for loving us and being with us in every difficult moment. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

  • If you discern it is wise to send them a private chat to ask if you can pray for them individually, please do this instead of having the chat in the feed where everyone can see.

4. “Moments” Person:

  • What are “MOMENTS”? These are the “call to actions”, scripture references and “fill-in-the-blank” answers that show up in the comment feed.

  • These MOMENTS are posted (deployed by a click) by one person on the Sunday morning Church Online team that is pre-designated to do so.

  • Our church office admin team pre-loads/programs these moments into the dashboard so the Sunday morning “Moments” Person can deploy them at the right moments in the service.

  • Some weeks you may be called upon to do this role in addition to greeting and engaging with people in the comments feed. We will provide training on how to do this. It’s super easy to just have to be paying attention.

5. Bonus:

  • If the timing and moment is right, share something about your life. This opens a door for guests to do the same.
    o Relationships are built based on our weaknesses, not our strengths. If we are willing to share our experiences with others, our willingness to share can lead others to share as well.
    o Remember that guests who show up to worship online are God’s divine appointment for you! Jesus is with you and you can rest in the knowledge that he will help you as you serve.
    o Respect each guest both in the main chat as well as in the host chat. Remember that each guest is a child of God, even if they don’t know Him yet.
    o Always remember that God is working through you as you serve. He will bless you with uplifting discussions as well as those that are difficult and will cause you to rely upon Him. Don’t get down if you feel the service did not go well or engagement was low. Trust that God is at work. He is taking the time you have invested and will use you to reach someone no one else can reach.