
168 Hours

We call it “holy week.” And it is. But it’s more than that. It is the pivotal week in human history. The week began with Jesus riding a colt toward what all Jerusalem expected would be a coronation. By the weekend, crowds that clamored for his coronation now cried out for his crucifixion. Their king, “righteous and victorious,” faced rejection, humiliation and condemnation. From one Sunday to the next a drama played out across realms both mortal and immortal. God and Satan battled in unseen spiritual dimensions for the redemption of humanity. And when the sun rose that second Sunday morning, death’s venom lost its sting. The power of sin was rendered impotent by grace. God redeemed humanity. And the world changed forever.

03.28.21 - Palm Sunday
Small Group Questions

04.04 - Easter
Small Group Questions