Think back to your childhood. Who was that one person who was not part of your family who had an influence on you? Was it a school teacher? Was it a baby sitter or nanny? Was it someone from church? Obviously they had an impact on you because you are thinking of them right now.

Serving in Kids City is a perfect way to be an influence. We have plenty of opportunities for you to invest in the spiritual lives of our kids once a month (or more if you would like). We need you to help us shape the lives our our students so they learn who Jesus is and begin to follow.

The heart of serving begins with why! Meet Melissa, who has a great story for why she and her family serve in Kid’s City.


Interested in joining the team and building kid size disciples?  Take some time to read and pray through the opportunities below and then complete the following steps.

  1. Email Greta, our Children’s Minister, about the areas you are interested in.

  2. Fill out a Volunteer Form

  3. Fill out our Background Check Forms (anyone working with anyone under 18 years of age are fully screened to ensure we provide a safe environment for our kids and young adults)

Once you have completed these steps, we’ll be in contact with you and get you plugged in!


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Check-In Team
Be the first person to welcome families to Kid’s City, check in their children, and answer any questions they may have.

Lesson Builders
Lesson Builders prepare and implement a couple of small group activities to go with the video lesson to help kids learn about Jesus.

Relationship Builders
Relationship Builders serve with Lesson Builders and help with classroom prep, work directly with kids, and lead small groups as needed.

Worship Team
At 10:00 am every Sunday morning, K-5th grade kids and Kid Builders gather in KC Park to worship together. This celebration sets the tone of the morning! This service includes 3 songs, scripture, prayer, and lots of laughter!

During worship time hosts energetically share scripture, connect God’s word to the morning’s theme, pray, and dismiss the kids to their classes.

A/V Techs
A/V Techs handle the audio and visual elements of our kids’ worship gathering from the sound booth using ProPresenter. If you are not tech-oriented, it is ok. We will train you!

Song Leaders
Model worship by singing, teaching motions to kids, and bringing a high level of energy to the service.

Runners retrieve materials and may accompany bathroom breaks to make sure safe adult-to-child ratios are maintained.

Substitute Lesson Builders
Substitute Lesson Builders prepare and implement small group activities to go with the video lesson on an as-needed basis when scheduled Lesson Builders are not able to attend or find another regular Lesson Builder to cover their week.

Substitute Extra Support
Substitute Extra Support volunteers serve with Lesson Builders help with classroom prep, work directly with kids, and lead small groups on an as-needed basis when schedule Relationship Builders are not able to attend or find another regular Relationship Builder to cover their week.

Sanitizing Team
Young children in the Toddler room have the opportunity to play with various toys, puzzles and play sets. These same children are also the most prone to spitting up, drooling, and chewing on toys! The sanitizing team disinfects toys and play surfaces for the safety & cleanliness of kids. This is a 1-2 hour commitment after the worship service, or during church office hours.