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Kids' City Closed for Serve Day

  • South Lansing Christian Church 6300 Aurelius Road Lansing, MI 48911 (map)

Sunday, April 28th in Serve Day. We will meet at the church at 10am for a short gathering (probably about 15 minutes) of songs, communion, and prayer. Then we will go into our community and serve. Because of the short gathering, Kids' City will be closed.

We encourage you to find a serving opportunity where your kids can serve too.

  • The projects at City Rescue Mission and Advent House are not ones children can help with.

  • Closely-supervised children can help at Homeless Angels. Please be aware children should not be left unattended, particularly girls. Homeless Angels provides services to anyone in need, including people whose language or choices could be troubling to children who are easily upset. Please take your own child into account when deciding whether or not to serve here.

  • Children can help with The Good Neighbor Initiative. Possible projects include yard work and minor home repairs.

  • Other ideas for serving with younger children include checking if a nearby neighbor would like help with yard work, picking up trash along a favorite walking route, or making and delivering cards for someone who is not able to leave home often, residents in a senior home, or someone in the hospital

Earlier Event: March 30
Easter Egg Hunt