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Family Worship Service

On Sunday, July 31st our worship service will look a little different. There will be more kids in the big room than most other Sundays! In Kid's City, The Aquarium and Zoo will be open for babies and toddlers, but the K-5th rooms will be closed for the morning. Why? There's several reasons.

  • First, we want to create time for families to worship together.
  • Second, Josh and Walter, our Children's and Youth ministers are going to share South's vision for partnering with families to raise godly kids.
  • Finally, the annual church picnic will be right after the service and Kid's City Park will be used as a staging area to prepare for this event. We're expecting a big crowd, we've invited our SLCC family and friends from the community! 

If you have younger children, we believe it's vital for you to explain the different elements of the worship service to them as they participate with you. We will have activity totes at the Kid's City Check In Station for you to pick up. These will have various activities for them to engage in while listening to the sermon. 

Our hope is to create space and time for your family to worship together and share our hearts on partnering with families!

Earlier Event: June 5
Graduation Sunday
Later Event: February 11