
Kid's City is where we're building kid size disciples! Kids are welcomed from birth through 5th grade to learn about our amazing God. 

Incredible things happen when kids come to know the God who created them. They are amazed by His power, awestruck by His creativity and stunned at the depths of His love. This transforms who they are and changes how they care for others as they learn to live like Jesus. The big word we use for this is “discipleship” and in Kid’s City we're building kid size disciples!

Jesus welcomed children, blessed them and loved them. We love kids and we love parents! We believe in combining the influences of church and family to make a greater impact together! This is the basis for Orange curriculum, which you can learn more about here




Sunday Mornings
KID'S CITY is open during our Worship Gathering from 10:00 am - 11:00 am.

Classes include Nursery and Toddlers, Preschool, K-2nd, and 3rd-5th. Kids learn about God and how to follow Jesus!

If you are a first time guest, plan on arriving 15 minutes early to check your kids in and get a tour of Kid’s City.


Kids City Online

Unable to be with us on Sunday?

Watch the lesson video and access an at-home activity and a daily devotional here


You can email us with any questions you have.